Space Race Research Paper

Words: 633
Pages: 3

Since the creation of man, humans have pondered and hypothesized what is out in space. Ever since the inventions of the telescope and the invention of planes, humans keep getting closer and closer to venturing out into space. With the Industrial Revolution exploding behind humanity and propelling technology into a new century of evolution. With the questions growing and the technology getting better, scientists open more inventions and innovations to already astounding aircraft. By unlocking the V-2 german rocket after WWII (Sowards), scientist were able to explore their possibilities and made the space race possible. The Space Race affected the world by accelerating the education of the cosmos.

The Space Race was only possible by the
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and the USSR. Strong European countries like France and Great Britain took part but also fell off early(Sowards) . Great Britain fell off first due to lack of funding, also did France due to limited success with their two programs(Sowards) . Asia also took place with not only the USSR but with China and Japan. China and Japan maintained a programs but their programs stuck to small satellites(Sowards) . Which leaves North America. The North American contenders are Canada and the U.S.. Canada had success with its few satellite projects but quickly allied itself with the U.S. and ISP(International Space …show more content…
launch its first satellite, the USSR knew they had competition. To follow up 2 years later the USSR launched and landed a probe on the moon, again showing they are superior(Sowards). Eisenhower restricted the budget of NASA, so a task up to that level would be impossible. After JFK was elected, he unrestricted the budget when he saw the opportunity to land on the moon(Sowards). Following JFK entering office he made a speech announcing that the U.S. will land a man on the moon within the next 10 years. America went ecstatic and NASA got an unfathomed amount of funds to help kick start “Project Mercury”(Sowards). Project Mercury had an objective to land a man in orbit around