Contemporary Issues
27 January, 2014
Spanish in Schools Spanish is New Mexico’s native language, it is important for the heritage of our state and our people to teach the next generation its culture. Spanish is part of this state; it is part of what makes New Mexico unique from any other state, to take its language is to take its heritage, its culture, what makes it unique. New Mexico has always been a Spanish speaking state, and right now is the most important time to teach Spanish to the children so they can carry on New Mexico’s heritage to their own children, and without anyone to teach the children their native language, the language will die along with our states heritage.
Spanish is not America’s native language nor is America a part of the Mexican culture so for New Mexico to keep their Spanish language is to not be a part of the United States. In order for New Mexico to be a real American state, they should speak the same language as everyone else in this country. For simplicity, it is important for everyone to speak the same language, now that New Mexico is a state they will be a part of our government so every document would have to be printed in both English and Spanish, making it a hassle to communicate to this state. Also, if the state wants to talk about an issue they are having, they will have to translate their documents into English. This could become an issue in future years, especially if the translation isn’t right.
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