In an attempt at utilizing pathos, Obama has us recall what our ancestors have done for us. They worked until their hands were raw, to help us achieve what we have today. He said we must use our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart. These statements emanate a certain compassion and thankfulness to their listeners. Ethos is used a few times during the speech as well, where Barack convinces America that “we will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people.” He says this in a way that makes us feel that it is the right thing to do. “It is our kindness that gets us through…” he explains, as he cites an example of workers who cut their hours just so a friend is able to keep their job. “We have duties to ourselves, our nation, and our world.” He gives the added incentive that it is “satisfying to our spirit.”
Obama uses certain vivid descriptions and metaphors to help us to visualize his words. When talking about other nations that may or may not be tolerable of this country’s varied cultures and beliefs, he states that “We [America] are willing to extend a hand, if you [other nations] are