She does this because in that building was the imprisoned spy that she was planning to escape with. Katarina makes plans to infiltrate the building and save the imprisoned spy. When she breaks into the building, she is forced to kill 12 British agents, and she is unable to break out the captured spy. This starts a manhunt for Katarina. “She knew they were looking for her. She had spotted several young women being stopped and questioned, and even two being led away for what she assumed was further interrogation” (Altman 140). Katarina understands that the British are looking for her, and that her actions had put this into place. She feels uneasy in Britain, especially now that police, army, and civilians are looking for her. Her actions at that building have forced her to run to the countryside to one of the many secret locations where she can be taken back to …show more content…
Los Alamos gave Katarina a mission, and that was to return to Germany with the bomb information. The building in London was when and where the manhunt for Katarina began. The lighthouse was important because it was where Katarina’s mission failed, and where the Allies were saved. These settings of the book are the most important, and the settings of the book left me wondering where and when the plot would twist