It helps us to undesstand how children unesrtand the sounds pattens and how they use it in their reading and wtiting. With this information, we are able to differiante instruction for individual needs , undesrand the struggles etc. Understaning speech sounds and word’s construction also helps when teaching ESL students, as we can compare how their native language create sounds and words, and understand how to help them to learn English.
2. How does spoken vocabulary help in reading? (pages 88-89)
Firstly, having a word in the spoken vocabulary makes it possible to recognize the word in print. As children strive to read the word and realize that they recognize it, it helps them to connect what they see with what they know. Secodnly ,the morewords in the spoken vocabulary, the greater the language awareness. Thirdly, knwing vocabulary helps in reading comprehension – it is next to impossible to understand something if you don’t know most of the words used.
3. How to help the students to learn vocabulary? (pages 89-90) …show more content…
Therefore, we need to encouraged the adults that have a part in children’s lives, like parents, to talk as much as they can ith heir children. Organazing meetings with parents that would emphasize the importance of converstation or assigning homework to be done with parents, like interviews, would be helpful to develop the habit of talking with each other. Chidlren also develop their vocabulary as they read a wide variety of texts, which should be a big part of assigments for students. To help children learn vocabulary, the teachers need to help develop love for