Eng. 104
Anthony Sassin
The Evolution of Language
They provide an approach to language evolution based on evolutionary theory. They explore the ways in which languages can evolve in a society and how specific signals can become associated with specific objects. Errors were common in language but they worked it out as evolution evolved. They show how words can be combined into sentences and specify the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules.
Written summary/Response As evolution evolved they needed ways to communicate and understand each other. Somehow they came up with speaking and gave meaning to words which became to be known as language. The way to overcome the error limit is by combining sounds into words. Words are strings of sounds. Combining sounds into words leads to an essentially unlimited potential for different words. Giving meaning to words is how they communicated and we still do today. As man evolved they came up with more words and more meaning to the words. There is all different language’s you can speak in now but with the same meaning to the words. We evolved and became smarter in doing so. Without language I don’t think the human race would have survived.
Origins and Evolution of Genus Homo
This article explains three very important subjects to the evolution of man. The emergence of Homo, the transition between non-erectus early Homo and the appearance of regional variation in H. erectus. It also explains breeding and changes in diet, body composition, and extrinsic mortality risk. The article shows evaluations of the behavior, physiology, and anatomy of extant groups explicitly designed to be closely proxied in the fossil record explicit hypotheses to be tested on future fossil finds. The evidence they have does the explaining for me.
Written summary/Response The research on fossils and evolution in this article show you that what we thought we knew and the difference between hard evidence. Studies show that there was an increase of 33% of body mass over a decade leading into the present time. Also there was an increase in brain size over a decade leading into this present time. They ran studies on the teeth, development, and diet. Those studies show teeth increased in average size and back in the day they likely ate a fairly generalized diet. This signal suggests they also consumed less brittle foods. This article also explains they recorded evidence of several key behaviors including changes in dietary niche, ranging, and cognition that are often associated with the rise of genus Homo. The article made me change my mind on how I use to think. It seems American’s were generally smarter back in the day than we are today.
Male Life History, Reproductive Effort, and the Evolution of the Genus Homo
Compared with earlier hominines, changes in the behavioral and physiological mechanics of growth, survivorship, reproductive effort, and senescence all likely contributed to shifts in how males contributed to the evolution of our genus. Contributing to the evolution that define Homo are high fertility, large bodies, altrical offspring, large brains, and long lives. Selection for a broad range of variation in traits reflective of male reproductive effort was important to the evolution of Homo. The entire life spans of our generations were very key and important for how we live today.
Written summary/Response As time moved on humans gained the ability to understand each other and figure out life as we know it today. They learned how to reproduce and create new life. Humans also learned how to take care of one another direct and indirectly. Humans created life back in the day and it’s still how we live our life today. So this means that they must have done something right. Understanding male life history and forging new and exciting methods for testing hypotheses that emerge from life history theory regarding the