Spring Dance Concert Review

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The Spring Dance Concert premiered May 3rd and ran through the 5th on the Redfield Proscenium Theatre in the Church Fine Arts Building. I had the privilege to attend this prestigious concert on Friday May 4th at 8:00 PM. With a wide variety of choreographers from professors to special guest Robert Moses, each dance brought a different ambiance to the stage. With each dance lasting roughly 10-15 minutes the performance lasted around 2 hours with a ten-minute intermission. While having this array of talent on stage each dancer shined through memorable movement moments, the costumes and stage lighting. Along with that the music choices added to each performance. With all that in mind these aspects added to the overall beauty of each dance making …show more content…
The first work titled “The Supplicant” choreographed by guest artist Robert Moses consisted of fourteen dancers with one soloist, a trio, and the moving part. The dance was composed of many movement moments that were repeated throughout the work. One of the more noticeable movements was when the dancers would “feel the pulse” in their arms, tapping each wrist and reaching up to the sky. Throughout the piece this motif became more and more intense as the soloist would go through body convulsions and throw her body around without sense. As the work came to an end the audience could feel the power the dance was trying to create and it was done seamlessly. The second work was titled “Intervertebral” choreographed by Cari Cunningham consisted of five female dancers. The dancers wore dresses that exposed a large portion of their backs leading back into the title of “Intervertebral”. As the movements were executed the audience could see how the movements isolated each vertebra in a dancer’s body. One specific movement moment that stuck out to me was when the dancers faced away from the audience and rolled their shoulders back and rolled all the way through their spines. This movement was repeated multiple times throughout the piece and similar