Squirtle's Problem: Solving The Word Problem

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Pages: 5

I decide that I wanted to observe the students in Math and make a checklist to assess their understanding of the concept skill presented. The students were supposed to master the skill of solving a word problem with pictures and then when they were done, they were to participate in a class discussion on how to solve the problem. With that being said, I decided to compose a checklist with a scoring rubric to assess the students’ understanding of how to solve the word problem. I assessed their skills by observing their communication skills during the class discussion. I watched to see if the students had the ability to read the problem and understand the problem. I also wanted to see if the student used the correct strategy to solve the problem …show more content…
Squirtle and Charmander seemed to clearly understand the concept when they explained their thought process on how they comprehended and solved the problem. These 2 students received the highest rating score for each category observed due to their clear explanation. Squirtle was able to use the information from the math problem on the board to compose an equation that captivated what was happening in the story. He was able to comprehend the word problem by explaining that the problem was to be solved with multiplication because the problem asked how many pieces of candy in total did Caterpie give out if he gave 6 friends 4 pieces of candy.
Since Squirtle was able to explain and solve the problem correctly, I felt that he fully understand the concept being taught. Just like Squirtle, Charmander also received high scores for her concept understanding because she was able to correctly explain how to solve the problem, and label the problem, She also showed the class how to check to see if the answer was right by diving 24 by 6 to get 4, which was an advanced skill not taught yet. Therefore, her explanation provided me enough information to see that she understood the
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If I could have not had a checklist made it might have been have for me as a teacher to keep track of the student’s progress if I did not have written work to go off of. I thought it was kind of difficult making the checklist rating scale, as I did not know how much of the task I should have looked into. I feel that my questions were very through when it came to checking the students’ concept understanding. However, I feel that it would have been more beneficial for me to have written work as a skill concept