St. Helena Cathedral Research Paper

Words: 434
Pages: 2

History of the St. Helena Cathedral

The St. Helena Cathedral is a large extravagant monument with rich history that many people worked very hard to construct.
The site of the Cathedral was purchased for the total price of $25,000. The site for the Cathedral was just the right size so that the architects could build the Cathedral in perfect proportions. After much consideration, on June 16, 1907, the congregation of the Cathedral approved the plans to build the Cathedral. Von Herbulis was trained abroad and was chosen for his knowledge of the cathedrals of Europe. Albert V. had also designed many other churches and religious buildings in America. Rough sketches were prepared in two styles, Romanesque and Gothic. When the drawings were presented the Gothic form was chosen by the Building Committee and the Advisory Board moved to use the Gothic style and that motion passed unanimously.
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The price of the Cathedral was $218,743. The Columbia Construction Company of New York began construction of the Cathedral in 1908, the cornerstone was laid on October 4 that year. In 1913 it was found that there wasn’t enough money to finish the interior of the Cathedral. On Christmas day 1913 it was announced that Col. Thomas Cruse, a well-known local miner and businessman, had pledged the sum of $100,000 toward the interior work of the Cathedral in memory of his recently deceased daughter. Over the next 5 years there was lots of work and fundraisers, the outside of the Cathedral was completed. On November 8, 1914, the community of Helena gathered to celebrate the Eucharist for the first time in the new church. Ironically, the first funeral held in the Cathedral was for Thomas