The anglers that fish commercially bring in about $17.8 million per year and recreation produces about $4 billion every year.(Burgeron) Their economy is also supported by number of jobs that this amount of tourism brings in. The tourism and recreation industry is responsible for more than 217,635 jobs in their beaches and resorts.(Burgeron) From the people that great you at the front desk to the people that are fishing, scaling and cooking the food, the area could not be as great and grand if it were not for the natural resources that surrounds …show more content…
Fisherman could catch on average about one million pounds of lake trout yearly from Lake Ontario, then in the 1890s, Lake Huron had about 7.5 million pounds annually and Lake Michigan had around 3 million. (DiSilvesto)However, by the early 60s, the trout was almost extinct in Lakes Michigan, Ontario and Huron.(DiSIlvesto) Needless to say if these precious and vital waters are not properly respected, they will no longer be as essential to the economics of the