the institution to a very high expectations not only because is a very modernized hospital
but because it has got the religion chip as a founder and management.Every patient and
family member who come here has a good expectation in his/her back f his mind that
he/she going to a very safe,standard place which follow christian morals
and ethics.Patients,family member and board that oversee hospital are expecting that St
Michael's hospital have to provide all its services based on christian moral not because
they know or read its mission but simply because of the name it carries.
St Michael's website is revealing some of the programs the hospital …show more content…
"St. Michael’s Hospital is a Catholic teaching and research hospital founded by the Sisters
of St. Joseph in 1892 to care for the sick and poor of Toronto's inner city. Affectionately
known as the Urban Angel, St. Michael’s is renowned for providing exceptional patient
care. As downtown Toronto’s adult trauma centre, the hospital is a hub for neurosurgery,
complex cardiac and cardiovascular care, diabetes and osteoporosis care, minimally
invasive surgery and care of the homeless and disadvantaged. St. Michael’s is also one of
the province’s major sites of care for critically ill patients.Fully affiliated with the University
of Toronto, St. Michael’s provides outstanding medical education to health-care
professionals in 27 academic disciplines. Home to the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute,
made up of the Keenan Research Center and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare
Education Center , the hospital is among the first in the world to bring
together researchers, educators and clinicians to take best practices and research
discoveries to patient bedsides