State Delaware Informative Speech

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Pages: 2

Here are some amazing facts about my state Delaware now let me tell you guy’s some interesting stuff first let me tell you the important stuff which is 1.statehood date December 7,1787;the first state 2.Named for the Lord De La Warr,early governor of Delaware.Originally the name was applied to the river,then to the indian tribe (Lenape) and the state. 3.State capital Dover 4.State nickname Diamond State,First state,Blue Hen State 5.the state motto Liberty and independence 6.State bird Blue Hen chicken 7.State flower Peach Blossom 8.state insect LadyBug 9.state fish Weakfish 10.state mineral Sillimanite 11.state song “Our Delaware” 12 state tree American Holly Tree 13.state beverage milk 14.state colors colonial blue and buff 15.State fair harrington (end of july) …show more content…
Delaware’s state dance is the maypole dancing as the official state dance July 29,2016.the maypole is a tall vertical pole,usually made from a wood cedar or a birch tree and it’s decorated with streams of ribbons and it’s hold by dancers so it is balance the maypole dance is also along history back in the Medieval times.Delaware state dance website.

So here are some interesting facts about my state delaware plus more so if you want to know more about my state delaware you could search up these websites are you could get a book from the library to know more about this state so i hope you liked this state because i know i did so i hope you did to so if you want to know more about this state delaware well now you know how to find out how to get there to know more about this amazing