It is easy to say that people should not allow stereotypes to “pull us back to the cave” and stereotypical thinking. To actually leave the comfort zone of the cave is the difficult portion. This required educating yourself on Muslim culture as well as being around middle easterners to fully understand that they are human just like any other group of people. Then, it is your job as an informed citizen to reach into your community and teach other of your new foundings. If we as a nation break free from this wall, it will be more feasible for people to recognize individual based on their personalities in contrast to said stereotypes. In conclusion, the Allegory of the Cave is definitely applicable to today’s society. Humans today tend to revert back to their nonage by allowing someone or something else to influence their viewpoint, without truly seing the reality for themselves. It is imperative that humans today educate themselves and become more aware of their surroundings. So the human race does not end up in a cave idly watching the media provide us with puppet shows of