Steve Jobs Essay

Submitted By mznikkic84
Words: 417
Pages: 2


Steve job's speech was very interesting. I had to become a comprehensive listener in order to understand what he was trying to say. But as I continued to listen I soon received the central idea of the entire speech. Every part was very well connected from him being given up for adoption, to going to college failing out, to starting a busy and getting fired, a wife and kids, and to almost seeing death due to a rare cancer. I was sort of confused on how they all connected so I had to do a lot of critical thinking as he went through every part. The message was delivered perfectly. We can plan for our future all day and night but we have to take interest in what we are trying to pursue or do as a career. College might not be for everyone but don't second guess your self and think you are going to lose out. You came in this World with nothing so you are going to leave with nothing. Life has a bunch of ups and downs, so don't just settle for the first thing come your way. Always strive for the highest level possible. Steve had no clue that he would be where he was. He just knew he love what he did and he was going to do it no matter what. No one was going to stop him along the way. And never put your success on hold for no one, not even a spouse. I also got out of the speech is that if you don't love what you are doing you are more than likely to settle and not move forward. I really admired him when he was told to plan for