Literature Review
The mechanisms that are responsible for the neurotoxicity …show more content…
Generally, the studies discover the same side effects for the drugs (Zorumski, et al. 2007). One of the best conducted studies showed that the harshness of unfavorable effects may be more for amphetamine, particularly with respect to negative effect, insomnia, irritability, nightmares, sadness and anxiety. However, admissibility as analyzed using drop-out levels brought about by the adverse effects was found to be low and did not vary between prescriptions (Asada, et al. …show more content…
Some of children were impassive while others demonstrated tough growth control (Gordon, 2008). Studies of this inter-individual inconsistency may assist in identifying issues that present protection and risk. ADHD is associated with abnormalities in the coordination of dopamine. Dopamine, which is a chemical for attention and motivation, is found to be low in people that suffer from ADHD. Stimulants, such as block dopamine transporters (DATs) and Ritalin carry the duty of distributing dopamine in the brain (Berthoz, 2008). Thus, prescribing stimulants leads to lower levels of dopamine being carried to the brain and freer dopamine availability. There have been contradictory results in the measuring of the exact levels of DAT in the brains of people that suffer from