Stranger Than Fiction Essay

Words: 495
Pages: 2

Deonta’ Slayton
Mrs. Love Hilliard
Creative Writing
8 April 2016
Stranger Than an Essay The story “Stranger Than Fiction” stars a man named Harold who usually goes about his business in his daily life, when suddenly he hears a voice narrating his actions as he goes about his life. In the beginning it seems to aloud and Harold thought that other people could hear the voice as well. When he realizes they cannot he begins to get worried for the voice narrating foretold Harold’s death. Worried Harold quickly seeks out help for someone who knows literature and began thinking of stories that Harold is not in. Ruling out the types of genre stories Harold isn’t in is significant because each genre has rules and or guidelines they follow so to better help Harold they think of stories that Harold is in to either prevent his death or know when it’s coming.
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The woman tells him you may already be dead because she has writing a different copy, but has not typed it. The woman’s assistant says to let Harold read the story. Harold asks the professor to read the story for him and the professor reads it and says to Harold the story is amazing the only way for it to be a true piece of literature is if you die. Harold sadden by this truth goes and reads the story for himself and agrees. He goes to the woman and tells her she should finish the book. She is also sadden that she has to kill a non fictional