Strategic Mobility Planning Positioning Your Organization for the Future
aUthOrS: PaUL LaNCi - DireCtOr - GLOBaL SerViCeS BUSiNeSS ChUCK rOarK, Ph.D., DireCtOr OF BUSiNeSS DeVeLOPMeNt/SOLUtiONS arChiteCtUre
By 2009, 70 percent of knowledge work will occur in locations where workers will depend on a wireless and remote-access infrastructure that is outside the enterprise’s direct control. —william Clark, “Definition of Mobile workforce” Gartner , In 2010, 80 percent of key business processes will involve mobile workers’ exchange of real-time information (0.7 probability) —Bill Kirwin and Phillip redman, “assess the Business Value of Mobile and wireless applications” Gartner ,
It’s a different world today. Business can be conducted in airports while waiting for a flight, on conference calls that seamlessly move the conversation from office phone to cell phone, or at home on a laptop securely connected to the enterprise server. Consumers and workers want to stay connected and want the ability to download podcasts, music, business files or other data onto their mobile devices. The ability to retrieve information and to communicate anytime, from anywhere, and with a variety of access networks and devices has become more than a “nice to have. At Motorola we call this Seam” less Mobility – End-user application experiences that follow the user anywhere and anytime independent of the networks and devices while adapting to the users’ context, preferences and environments. Mobility is becoming essential to many customer segments such as enterprises, public safety and other government agencies, as well as wide area network service providers and content providers. For example, enterprises are seeing opportunities to achieve major reductions in operational expenses using mobility. A large medical equipment manufacturer envisions a billion dollar saving opportunity by enabling their 25,000 mobile service personnel to perform remote real-time trouble shooting of complex electronics on medical equipment by enabling and extending video streaming functionality on the mobile devices. In addition an Economist Intelligence Unit report noted that 75% of executive computer users believed that mobility is either critical or very important to job success. A well planned mobility strategy is a journey towards providing the right type of access to information to the various stakeholders within an organization whether it be portable access, mobile access using one device on one type of network, or seamless access, regardless of device or network. The various levels of mobility provide varying degrees of flexibility and extendibility of the information. A solid IT strategy is important for a company to achieve its vision and be successful. Business strategies and IT strategies must be dynamic and adapt to competitive pressures and opportunities. Today’s IT strategies are limiting and do not address the need for organizations to effectively mobilize their resources and address the critical business requirements.
2 white PaPer : StrateGiC MOBiLitY PLaNNiNG
Customer: Enterprise Challenge: End of life of private voice and data systems Goals: Indication of architecture and associated roadmap to meet mobility goals. Solution: Motorola Mobility Architecture and Roadmap Advisory Service Assessment of current IP & communications networks; gap analysis via Seamless Mobility Maturity Tool; architecture development to close gaps; associated roadmap and recommendations result: Identified technical issues such as obsolete infrastructure and internal organizational enterprise obstacles to meeting Mobility goals including organizational silos, out dated strategic plan, lack of internal skills, and incomplete characterization of mobile workforce. Effective planning opened the channel of communication and allowed the organization to communicate across silos to mutually define the importance of the goals and cooperate