Strong Central Government

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Pages: 4

Do We Need a Strong Central Government? Most everyone agrees that having a strong central controlled government is always important. But without it, we know as humans that we really can’t self-govern ourselves. Because we are not perfect human beings; If there was no strong central government, I can guarantee anybody that there will be more killing, theft, etc.; Basically more crime, if you heard of a video game call Tom Clancy’s The Division. Picture the whole country like that of the division, nothing under control complete chaos. Then there comes the standard in any human being the want for power or control over something or somebody. Let’s say a country is in a great state of depression or somehow the government controlling that country is failing and people want to up rise it and a new leader take over. This new leader is usually a complete dictatorship …show more content…
Think of the strong central government as a parent watching over you. Let’s say you wanted a cookie and your mom said no it would spoil your appetite for dinner. But when she was away you went ahead and grab a cookie, and you got caught equaling you get a punishment or some sort of consequences for your actions. Works the same way for a strong central controlled government. If for say you get caught speeding, thus you get a speeding ticket then you have to go to court to pay for the ticket. Another thing about us humans is that we are not perfect. So we usually end up doing some things that are bad or foreseen as wrong. Like I said in the above first paragraph; Thomas Hobbs makes another strong central point in my opinion about us humans “ Let him therefore consider with himself, when taking a journey, he arms himself and seeks to go well accompanied; when going to sleep, he locks his doors; when even in his house, he locks his chests;” (Hobbs Para