Structurally Arnett (2008) begins by stating the aim of his article followed by a journal analysis which supports his point, mentioning a few implications of the analysis he discovered. Then he presents a demographic profile by examining contrasts of the world’s population and his doubt that psychological research can represent humanity. He then summarises his views on why American psychology is so narrow, followed by stating the need for a broader psychology and then finalises the article with a number of proposals on how to achieve a broader psychology in the future. …show more content…
He chose six premier APA journals to analysis including: Developmental Psychology (DP), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP), Journal of Abnormal Psychology (JAP), Journal of Family Psychology (JFP), Health Psychology (HP) and Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP). There were a total of 4,037 articles in the analysis over a 20-year period. Each article was coded for national affiliation of authors and locations of samples. They were mostly coded by region: Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and the United States (Arnett,