Structure and delivery of an IAG tutorial Essay

Submitted By Forwardthinking
Words: 394
Pages: 2



What is IGA?
The structure and the delivery of an
IGA tutorial


The National IAG board define IAG as:

Information, Advice and Guidance should promote the value of learning and be accessible to all people, to provide them with help they need to enter and progress in learning and work

Be available, accessible and visible

Be friendly, welcoming and culturally sensitive

Be easy to understand

Be professional and knowledgeable

Be impartial

Be equitable in terms of equality of opportunity

Be client focussed

Be effective in delivery

Be quality assured

Support achievement

Enable progression

In order to provide individuals with easy access to high quality IAG for learning , work and their living arrangements to enable them to make effective decisions and choices .


Tutorials should have their own learning goals
Define guidelines and rules from the beginning
Prepare a plan for each session(meeting) Have your supporting materials ready COMMUNICATING

Encourage students to speak out
Comment on student performance and behaviours
Make an effort to learn students’ names and use them
Avoid excessive formality, but don’t get too close
Do not ignore disruptive student behaviour DELIVERY

Keep pace with meeting progress
Make connections among parts of the course/tutorial. Help students visualize the ‘big picture’ and integrate together the tutorial contents with the rest of their experiences Use relevant examples
Use solid delivery skills. Maintain eye contact during your tutorials , develop a rapport with your students. Speak loud enough and with enthusiasm to keep student attention


Tutorials are the best times to ask