Stuart Paninion: The Case Against Animal Extinction

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Pages: 5

In school, kids learn about history so that it doesn’t repeat itself, and the future won’t hold the same mistakes. If scientists were to begin to bring back animals that have already gone extinct, these animals could go extinct once again and therefore history would be repeating itself. Many scientists believe that by the process of bringing extinct animals back onto this earth it will be effective. This process is also know as de-extinction. however there are many people that say the opposite of this, they say that there is no need to bring these animals back. Bringing these species back will make things worse rather than better. Scientists should not focus nor waste their money, time, materials, or even space on the de-extinction of animals. …show more content…
This clearly illustrates the idea that humans have killed many animals over the past several years , so if de-extinction were to be successful these animals would most likely go extinct once again. In additions to this, there are still many questions being asked that no one has answered yet, therefore it is not a good idea to proceed with something that scientists still don’t have all their information for. Within the article “Opinion: The Case Against Species Revival” the author Stuart Pimm points out that there are still questions that are being asked when he emphasizes some examples of questions that might be asked “‘where do we put them?... what changed in their original habitat that may have contributed to their extinction in the first place? ” (Pimm 31-33). This confirms that there are still problems being brought up and no one seems to have a solution. Meanwhile, bringing back animals that are already extinct might overpopulate environments. …show more content…
However, how will they help the environment if they have no place to live and will end up dying? As others say, these extinct animals bringing back extinct animals can help cure other animals that are sick by cloning them. Stewart Brand assures that by cloning it is possible that animals can heal each other when he says, “A species with a genetic Achilles’ heel might be totally cured with adjustment introduced through cloning” (Brand 32-33). That may seem like a good reasonbe, but no one has ever tried to heal oneanother animal by bringing another back another from extinction. so w What's to say that thisit will work? The evidence for this claim is just not there. Moving on, aAnimals play a big role in this world. and i If a certain line from the food chain goes extinct then soon as time goes on all the animals will soon be affected as well. As Michael Archer once again implies “And the first goal we should have is say let’s get it back into natural environment and let it restore the balance in the ecosystem” (Archer 1:06-1:12). Although this might be true it will be rather risky to bring these animals back only because no one knows how they will react once they are brought back. Others may also argue that if extinct Species are brought back to life it will not only be beneficial to the environment but also to sciences and technology they will be able to learn much more