Essay on Student: Employment and Job Expectancy Rights

Submitted By HaNguyen0808
Words: 1509
Pages: 7

Managing employee relation
1. Management rights: for employers – make decisions, prices, and hire and terminate employees… with reasonable care. Negligence = without reasonable care. => Legal responsibilities and liabilities. Negligent hiring. 2. Employee rights: (expectations) a. Statutory rights: rights derived from legislation b. Contractual rights: ……. From contracts c. Due process: fair process (appealing) d. Job expectancy rights (fair and equitable employment) i. Employee info and access to it * Privacy: Privacy act, PIPEDA & Quebec: act respecting the protection of personal info in the private sector. * Info can only be collected when necessary purposes, fully inform, written permission is needed to disclose the info the 3rd parties. * File: kept in HR, employees have the right to see the contents ii. Searches and surveillance * for bus uses only, not personal reason * voicemail, email, internet, computer files * employers can search, monitor without notice * discipline procedures * Surveillance: not illegal, for bus reason, and employees are aware of this iii. Investigation (substance abuse, drug testing) * Can be premises and external (employees must comply with probable cause searches, and have no reasonable expectation of privacy when action is in effect * Substance abuse: illegal, abuse of alcohol and drug testing
=> Consequences: absenteeism, accident and damage rates, health care exp, theft and fraud, safety for other employees * No law for alcohol and drug testing in Canada. For public employees: =>human right violation => under human rights act. * A BFOR for safety reason: alcohol testing=> OK. Drug => NOT, unless there is a method of testing for present impairment. iv. Disciplinary action
Disciplines (correct employees when rules are violated) * Effective policies and guideline to use * Justifiable reasons * Employee’s immediate supervisor responsible
The Hot stove guideline: Advance warning (awareness of rules and punishment) Immediate response Consistent Impartial (the violation, what has been done rather than the violator – employee)
Common problems: attendance, dishonesty, and work performance, behavior
Process: 1. Rules and regulations (written, and be informed ahead of time) 2. System and progress penalties 3. An appeal process Model (document): Organization discipline policy => definition of discipline i. Violation of organization rules ii. Investigation of employee offense (1) (employees are aware, focus on the situation, full opportunity to explain, => disciplinary action) iii. Disciplinary interview (2) iv. Progressive discipline (2) vs. Positive discipline v. Due process (employee rights to explain) vi. Just cause (with reason) vii. Discharge (3)

Progressive (with punishment)Correcting behavior, increase corrective measures, variable, designed to motive employees 1. verbal warning 2. written warning 3. suspension 4. termination | Positive (without punishment)Joint responsibility, no imposition by manager, educate and involve, reminders 1. Discussion 2. Written reminder 3. Suspension with pay 4. Termination |

Termination (discharge, fire, dismiss) * Completed doc proof (unless it is a immediate termination) * -------------------------------------------------
Wrongful dismissal

Compensation (all rewards) 1. Financial: Direct (wages, salary, commission, bonuses) & Indirect (insurance, social assistance, paid absences) 2. Non-financial: Job related (duties, challenges) & job environment related (complement)
Compensation management: goal = cost effective manner => fair
1. lv of resp 2. the economy 3. legislation 4. job evaluation