Web Standards Project

Submitted By kspendyala
Words: 2307
Pages: 10

Web Standards Project

Introduction In these days of tremendous growth, the web needs guidance to realize its full potential and this guidance is "Web Standards". These standards will make sure that everybody has access to the information that is provided on the web, and also make web development faster and more enjoyable. Following these Standards makes it easier for people with special needs to use the web. Web pages may be rearranged and magnifies for the people with poor eyesight for easier reading. People using hand-held devices like mobile phones, PDA can browse the web just as easily as those using high-end workstations. This report attempts to explain how and why using web standards will help in building websites in a way that saves time, money and redundant work for developers and provides better experience for website users. Explained in this report, there are also many practical reasons for developers to be concerned with web standards. For example , search engines can do a better job of indexing sites. Creating web pages using browser-specific code often doubles or triples the work, and when new media introduced it leaves a lot to be changed. This situation will only get worse without the sound direction of web standards. Also discussed are other methods, guidelines and best practices that will help produce high quality websites that are accessible and usable to as many people and browsing devices as possible.

Tim Berners-Lee’s dream for his invention, the World Wide Web, is a common space where users from all over the world can share information to work together, to play, and to socialize. As web developers, creating websites for businesses, social, and educational needs we turn this dream into reality. [1] When the Internet and the web became popular in mid nineties, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) had not known to web browser vendors well enough for web developers to use CSS for controlling the presentation of an HTML document. Not implementing well enough is understandable considering that the specification for CSS Level 1 was not published until 1996 and specification for CSS Level 2 published in 1998. 1 Having no support of CSS in web browsers along with demands from graphic designers used to the level of control that is possible working with printed material, led to use HTML to control the visual appearance of the web page. One example of this is the major progress that was made when developers found other methods to control the layout of the HTML document by using the attribute border =”0” to hide the borders of an HTML table, creating invisible grid and controlling the layout. Using of transparent and invisible images called “spacer GIFs” for controlling spacing and margins. Because HTML was never supposed to be used to control the appearance of a document. Validation was something that very few knew about or rarely used. Tag soup is an appropriate name for this kind of HTML-like code. Later CSS support was improved and extended as new web browser versions released.
Web Standards Web standards founded by the W3C and other standards used to create and define web based content on the Web and to make those web pages accessible for as many people and devices as possible.
The languages used to create a web page following web standards are: Structural languages * HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) * XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Lanuage) * XML(Extensible Markup Language)1.0
Presentation Languages * CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) Level1 * CSS Level 2 revision 1 * CSS Level3 * MathML(Mathematical Markup Language) * SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)
Object Models * DOM (Document Object Model) Level1 * DOM Level2 * DOM Level3 Core
