The first reason the student loan crisis is a problem are the causes of the debt. Unemployment rate for people with no college experience is higher and …show more content…
Due to the current high unemployment rate, many recent graduates are unemployed or have lower paying jobs, causing it to be difficult for them to pay off their debt or unable to pay altogether. Missing payments can lead to student loan delinquencies or defaults, which can negatively affect the graduate’s credit rating. Because these graduates are using their money to pay off loans or have bad credit, it affects the economy as they are unable to purchase other things like houses or cars. These long term effects are the third and last reason why the student loan crisis is a …show more content…
Unemployment rate and low paying jobs cause people to need go to college, which the cost has increased, making them get loans that will over time accumulate debt. While in college, the student faces pressures, which can cause stress and therefore various health issues. After graduating, the graduate must focus on paying back the loan while unemployed or with a low paying job; failure to paying can result in bad credit making it difficult to purchase things that would boost the economy. Something needs to change to counteract this crisis, because, right now, college is a necessity being treated as a