Student Veterans Failure

Words: 3335
Pages: 14

Michael Wyatt
Professor Wasmund
English 121
2 December 2014
Veterans Failing in College War
He doesn’t even bear a resemblance to the popular teenager he was before the military. The muscles in his neck and arms that had led his team to a state championship in high school are now shielded by tattoos. The tattoos tell the story of a modern day Spartan that is incomprehensible to any outside his warrior circle, his fellow Army Rangers who aren’t fighting by his side anymore. He refrains from speaking about his multiple tours of duty with the people in his class, who were more than likely only concerned about who they were going to ask to Prom while he trudged through rotting human sewage on the war torn city blocks of distant lands, dodging
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A recent study conducted by Arizona University revealed that social relationships and their impact on the student veteran have the most influence on their decision to continue their education once returning to college. Student veterans can provide knowledge to their civilian classmates by being able to teach them life lessons through sharing their experiences as well as leadership skills. Additionally student veterans can teach their civilian student counterparts how to be better problem solvers, the true meaning of self-sacrifice, and the benefits of teamwork in ways that none of their professors are capable of. While the student veteran can offer all of these things to their classmates, civilian students have something as equally valuable to offer in return. They can provide veterans a chance to recapture a sense of purpose simply by reaching out and offering their friendship. A new friendship can provide a combat veteran the opportunity to regain some faith in humanity and allow them to begin to see the world through a more positive and less pessimistic lens. Working together as a team with civilians is vital to the success of student veterans. If the two groups can work together, cultivate friendships, obtain an improved understanding of each other, and close the gap that exists …show more content…
On college campuses specifically, one plausible solution to fixing the rift between veterans, civilian students, teachers, school administrators, and colleges would be committing to the creation of an office on campus that specifically serves student veterans. An office such as this must exist to help veterans with their assimilation and not to monitor or govern them separately from the rest of the student population. Colleges and Universities alike should also create committees comprised of people from a diverse range of departments on campus. Representatives from a Veteran’s Affairs Office, Disability Services, Admissions, Faculty, etc. should all make up these committees. These groups would exist to discuss and address ever evolving ways to best serve all individuals at the institution and assist everyone with their academic and career goals. This committee would also facilitate personal and professional relationships and networking opportunities. A diverse committee such as this would be a great asset to everyone on campus. Student Veterans would be connected with people outside their veteran networks by way of receiving support but give them an avenue to offer their knowledge and skills to others as well. Among other workshops, this committee