Study Guide U.S History Essay

Submitted By gigiduran12
Words: 569
Pages: 3


Ch 14 Test

Key Terms

Missouri Compromise-Created in 1820, this created a "line" that banned slavery north in the Louisiana Purchase-(36 degrees-30' North latitude). Kansas-Nebraska Act-Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. REPEALS MISSOURI COMPROMISE Freeport Doctrine-Doctrine developed by Stephen Douglas that said the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact any laws that would protect slave property. It was unpopular with Southerners, and thus cost him the election.

Key Concepts

factors contributing to the dissolution of the Whig party- growth of know nothings and replublican free soilers development of “free-labor” ideology and its impact on national politics- free labor (paid) versus slave labor (unpaid) “free-labor” vs. slavery arguments- BEGINS TO ASSERT THAT SLAVERY HURT THE WORKING WHITE MEN BY DRIVING DOWN WAGES & CLOSING OPPORTUNITY Popular sovereignty & its political consequences- cause and effect relationships surrounding “Bleeding Kansas” Influence of immigration on politics- immigrants became democrats contributions of the “American System” of manufacturing economic differences between Northern & Southern states impact of the Panic of 1857-A notable sudden collapse in the economy caused by over speculation in railroads and lands, false banking practices, and a break in the flow of European capital to American investments as a result of the Crimean War. Since it did not effect the South as bad as the North, they gained a sense of superiority. formation of the Republican Party and its stance on slavery

Key People

Abraham Lincoln-One of the most skillful politicians in Republican party. Lawyer. Tried to gain national exposure by debates with Stephen A. Douglas. The Lincoln-Douglas debates attracted much attention. Lincoln's attacks on slavery made him nationally known. He felt slavery was morally wrong, but was not an abolitionist. He felt there was not an alternative to slavery and blacks were not prepared to live on equal terms as whites. Won presidency in November election. Stephen Douglas-this person set out to open Kansas and Nebraska to slavery in exchange