Study Hall Research Paper

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Students should be allowed to have a study hall in class
Have you ever failed a test or failed to turn in homework due to the fact of having a game go late and not having enough time to study or do your work? I know I have as a student it is hard to study for 3 tests for the next day, play a sport or have practice and have homework and also be able to get 8 hours of sleep every night. It is hard and we all struggle with it. That's why a study hall should be allowed to all students one period a day to have time to start homework, study for the big test, or just get a little break from school. Today teenagers are so exhausted and stressed from all things life has piled onto us. Some teachers expect us to study for the big chapter test the night before or do the practice problems or read so many chapters of a book and take notes. Its is very challenging for a student who also has to balance a social life and sports especially if you get home at 11 o'clock from a game that night. And expect all the homework to be due the next day. Some students even would go to school late or even not come to school at all because the homework and studying have been too much for them.
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Every year when we get to pick classes at the end of the year we pick the classes needed to graduate and then we have electives. We use those electives to fill up the seven classes we need for the year. If we could just limit on elective for a study hall it would work. 49% of students “sometimes” don't have enough to finish homework, 21% “always” have time and 11% “never” have time to do their homework. It also has been shown that 90% of students would rather prefer do their homework at school then home. 86% of students also agreed that doing their homework at school will improve their