I thought her introduction and conclusion were good and well-thought out. The introduction is probably the most important part of a presentation and it looked like Sue Klebold was well prepared. She captured the audience with an incredibly moving story that also had many relatable experiences in it. One example is when she said that “the last thing she heard her son say before he left for school was ‘goodbye’.” A good attention getting story with …show more content…
There was a clear introduction and conclusion, but the body could’ve followed more logically. In the presentation, the order of topics was roughly: what happened, how it affected her, mental illness and suicide understanding, gun control, lasting effects of Columbine, and suicide in youth. The presentation also had the overarching question of, how could this have been prevented. In my opinion, she shouldn’t have separated her thoughts on suicide with gun control. To me, it felt out of place and largely political. I believe she also should’ve talked about the lasting effects of Columbine last, after touching on suicide prevention and awareness. That way, the example comes after the point has been made and the connection is more