Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life Of Bees

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Amanda Greene English 8E Dr. Miskin 22 April 2024 Happiness Likes Company Throughout the human experience, the phrase “misery likes company” is commonly heard. However, Sue Monk Kidd introduces a new concept in her bestselling novel, The Secret Life of Bees, suggesting that "healing likes company." Kidd reveals the power of community through the protagonist, Lily’s, journey. Kidd walks the reader through Lily’s tumultuous childhood and journey to self-acceptance and healing through the community and bonding she acquires throughout her story. Lily begins as an adolescent burdened by her innermost thoughts as well as the guilt from her mother’s death and transforms into a young woman filled with self-acceptance and peace after she finds her community. …show more content…
Though May died, her legacy lives on through the note she left, telling them that she wants them to live life to the fullest possible degree. Her note was up to their interpretation. However, this note proves that they will never be alone and May’s voice, written down on paper, brings a sense of comfort and a sense of peace to the community through her promises and her blessings. May writes that “it’s [her] time to die, and [their] time to live” (210). It was through her blessing and the company of others that these honey-makers achieved happiness and acceptance of her death. May writing that it was their “time to live” causes the Daughters to heal from this loss and continue with their lives, relying on one another for support (210). In this novel, Kidd emphasizes the necessity of community within happiness and healing by displaying Lily and the Boatwrights’ emotional growth. The significance of community within the journey to self-acceptance and healing is easily understated. Through the sense of belonging, shared experiences, and support, the community serves as an invaluable resource for those walking along the path of