Sugary Drink Ban

Words: 799
Pages: 4

Obesity has always been a major health issue in the United States. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 36.5% of all adults in the United States are suffering from obesity. There are numerous factors that contribute to this enormous percent of obese adults in the US. One of the leading causes for obesity are sugar and sugary drinks. Former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, attempted to enforce a ban on the selling of sugary beverages in containers larger than 16 oz. Fortunately, the ban proposal was thrown off by the state's highest court but this creates the question if the ban would have been capable of downsizing the obesity rate in New York City. Would the ban be efficient enough to improve the health of New York residents? The purpose of the ban was to limit the people's ability to purchase huge amounts of sugary drinks but in reality, it would not accomplish anything but …show more content…
There are other causes of health problems in New York City like the usage of cigarettes. Cigarettes have been around for years but has avoided a ban because it would limit the people's rights and freedom. With that in mind, sugary drinks shouldn't be banned for the same reason that it would restrict the people's freedom. If banning these drinks would to be functional, why stop there? It is now common knowledge that McDonald's is awfully unhealthy for anyone to eat at. There should also be a ban on foods, like McDonald's, that promote a unhealthy diet since sugary drinks are not the only causes of health issues. Knowingly, people still continue to go back to restaurants like McDonald's and consume unhealthy foods and that's what's great about freedom. The people should be able to choose what they wish to consume and not because of the