Summary: Honkamp Krueger Internship

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During my internship with Honkamp Krueger Co., a public tax and accounting firm, as a tax intern I learned a tremendous amount about the company, industry, and myself. Going into the internship, I was extremely nervous about how I would do and that I would make a fool of myself with my knowledge of tax. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I learned quickly how to take initiative and make connections with co-workers. Throughout my internship, I feel that I showed great improvement in my employability skills, networking skills, knowledge of tax.
Before my internship, I was quite shy and took a while to warm up to people I was working with. One of my goals was to “continue to develop my written and oral communication skills to become
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While working on different projects I showed initiative, my strong work ethic and my ability to be flexible with what needs to be done. In my journal on work ethic I said “If I don’t work hard and keep up on my work, the people who take the work after I am finished will be without work until I am done. This is not something the firm, or I, want to have happen. I absolutely do not want other people waiting on me, and the firm doesn’t because it means that their employees aren’t able to bill the time they are working out to the clients. Since my co-workers are efficient and have great work ethics I also have to work quickly and hard to get everything done to keep up with them, and even try to get ahead.” By using this work ethic, I made the process go faster and smoother. This definitely made an impact on my supervisors. I also showed my flexibility while working in taking on new projects and doing new things each day. In my journal on flexibility, I said that “I started the day with organizing documents for multiple clients, scanning the documents in to have an electronic copy for everyone to access, then was thrown into a project of preparing spreadsheets for a client with their complex income, and then asked to complete a few more spreadsheets. The very next day, I didn’t do any of those three tasks. I spent the entire day on a special project given to me by one of the partners.” I used my flexibility to help out in any way I could to ensure the process kept moving. I was told by my supervisors that if it weren’t for me, the tax season would not have gone as smooth. I feel I achieved my goal of showing and improving my employability skills which ultimately lead to being unofficially asked back in the