Since the government of Nevada legalized prostitution in some counties, different laws and policies have been implemented. There have been broad debates regarding prostitution in Nevada, and what is the righteous way to deal with the issues and conflicts as an outcome of that. As mentioned earlier some counties in Nevada have already legalized prostitution regardless of many arguments referring to it as unethical, furthermore they have executed numerous of strict laws and policies to be able to control the prostitution. An argument going for prostitution says that criminalized prostitution does not eliminate prostitution neither does it …show more content…
Legalization, where the state licensing and regulate, the abolitionist approach where laws are penalizing the third parties such as brothel owners and pimps – not the prostitutes; criminalization, there prohibit solicitation and where everybody who has somehow been engaging in prostitution, such as the pimp, brothel owners, prostitute and potential customers. The last category is decriminalization, with the purpose to regulate prostitutes and businesses.
These four categories invoke a certain fear and threat of prostitution relating to danger – and therefore these policies have been created with the purpose to promote safety. The government have been involved with prostitution since the 19th centuries, and still are today (Brents and Hausbeck, 2016).
Defining the US law system with focus on …show more content…
Within felonies some states are classifying them as either subcategories of crimes, no sub-categories or a hybrid approach. Nevada use subcategories of crimes to classify the felonies within their state (Portman, 2016). The process of classifying the felonies within subcategories happens by evaluating the crime and therefore basing it on the seriousness of the crime. The subcategories have its own sentence range all according to the degree of the seriousness, where it goes from the most serious to the least. A state like Nevada use “Classes”, such as class A, B, C, D and E – where A is the most serious one and E the least (Portman,