Summary: Manual Lymph Gainage Therapy

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Custom tailored therapy that alleviates pain

Also referred to as clinical or treatment massage, Medical massage is a growing trend that involves hands-on techniques to promote relaxation throughout the body along with other benefits. Using this therapy, our practitioners applies massage techniques to eradicate the problems of pain and inflammation. This is generally an outcome-based massage. An evaluation by a medical massage therapist is required to develop a treatment plan that further helps in recovery. Our massage therapies are clinically proven to reduce pain and promote healing in the fastest way.

Here at Oasis Medical Aesthetics & Wellness, each patient we address has a unique purpose for their massage. There are some clients who suffer from medical conditions like arthritis, sciatica pain or fibromyalgia whereas others who just look for simple relaxation massage or
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Lymph drainage: MLD or (Manual Lymph Drainage) is a gentle massage therapy practiced by our therapists. It is aimed at draining out excess fluid from the body and enhancing the overall functioning of lymph system. Our therapists apply the massage in the direction of lymph flow. This results in unblocking lymph vessels and allow lymph flow to transport waste from the body. The technique is aimed at stretching the walls of lymph vessels. Four major techniques used for this massage is: Rotatory technique, Scoop strokes, stationary circles, pump technique and so on.

Neuromuscular therapy: In this therapy, our practitioner will locate the muscle cramp in the back and then focus the hands-on treatment to this area. Continuous pressure of about 30 seconds is applied to stimulate proper flow of blood in the specific area. At first, pain and discomfort is common while applying the massage. The therapy is aimed at dispersing the lactic acid so that the deficient muscle starts delivering a clean supply of oxygen and blood