May is the nurse manager on the metabolic unit. She has obtained her BSN degree from Saint Mary’s College and is currently enrolled in graduate school for her public health nurse administrator degree. I asked May questions in regards to possible leadership and management issues that she personally faced on the detox/metabolic unit. She stated that a nurse who she went to school with six years ago had one occurrence report that pushed her to her personal threshold, resulting in her quitting the nursing profession. May said her co-worker was a caring, compassionate, hard working nurse. The client the co-worker was taking care for fell out of bed and broke his pelvis and she improperly …show more content…
The symptoms of nurse burnout start gradually and worsen over time i.e., physical/psychological issues, negativity, withdrawal, anger/frustration, cynicism, fatigue.
Similarly to nurse burnout, compassion fatigue symptoms are associated with emotional exhaustion i.e., sadness/grief, avoidance, addiction, increased psychological arousal, change in beliefs, expectations witness guilt. However, nurses experiencing compassion fatigue are traumatized due to having witnessed those suffering (traumatic stress).
Nurse burnout may be a precursor or a risk factor for compassion fatigue. Compared to nurse burnout, compassion fatigue has a more sudden and acute onset. Burnout can come from stressors due to conflict with management, co-workers, incivility of physicians/NPs/administrators, and staffing issues. Compassion fatigue is crossing the boundaries between professional compassion and personal compassion for their patients e.g., giving too much emotionally and expecting too much of oneself.
ProQOL 5 is most commonly utilized to measure negative and positive effects of helping others who experience suffering and trauma. The ProQOL has sub-scales for compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue. The measure has been used since 1995. There have been several