Summary Of Ethan's Sentence

Words: 775
Pages: 4

Ethan’s sentence teaches us about society that the rich gets off easy, and if you are poor you’ll be lucky to be on parole. Hence, the “how” Ethan received the sentence he received could be because of the silver spoon in his mouth. Also, the “why,” the fact that a psychologist declared and presented Ethan’s condition in court is “why” he received his sentence. Most importantly, the “how” and “why” of being born with a silver spoon greatly benefited his sentencing that enable him to “possibly” throw his status into the sentencing. Consequently, his sentencing teaches us about our society that when you grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth you most likely would get off easier compared to others without a silver spoon in their mouths. So, …show more content…
Though Ethan’s parents “never taught” him appropriate boundaries to save their face of being a millionaire sheet-metal manufacturer that could possible lose business/customers they are possible attacking with this stance of a condition to explain the sentencing.)
From another possible option, if Ethan was not rich this sentencing may just have changed due to the circumstance that Ethan is poor. Reasons being, the “how” and “why” Ethan a poor stricken background killed 4 lives may be due to numerous factors of being from a poor background that drunk driving is affiliated to “such a poor life” attitude that kill oneself is a better option than being poor, but instead killed 4 lives instead.
Now let’s say Ethan was another race than white, but kept the status of a rich kid. The “how” and “why” of this sentencing may change and questioned and thrown back-and-forth about the sentencing because of Ethan’s race that is not white. Being that today—a technology ridden society—the slightest implication of race can stir a community on the verge of war. So, Ethan’s race and is rich can still receive the same sentencing, but the questioning and slightly different opinions of the victim’s families may stir up a war based on the sentencing on Ethan’s race and silver spoon in his