Summary Of Fentanyl From The Government By Stephanie Nolen

Words: 300
Pages: 2

In the text, “Fentanyl From the Government”? A Vancouver Experiment Aims to Stop Overdose,” by Stephanie Nolen, the author aims to inform the reader about harm reduction, the clinic's impact on addicts, and the skepticism that is held towards the Clinics methods of assisting. Initially, Nolen discusses a variety of topics, with harm reduction being a major one. The author emphasizes harm reduction as "an approach to reducing deaths and severe illness" caused by "illicit drugs" (Nolen). This demonstrates that if not for harm reduction, many people would no longer be alive. Next, Nolen emphasized the effect that the clinics are having on the addicts. The author introduces Lisa James, who clarifies herself as a recovering addict who was on heroin