When Charlie has his original IQ, Joe Carp and Frank Reilly would torment and bully him because he just wasn't like or as intelligent as the rest of them. Charlie, however, was blissfully unaware of the one-liners they were making. "Joe Carp said Hey look where Charlie has his operashun what did they do Charlie put some brains in. pg 317 par. 1." He had no ability to protect himself from the discriminating antics that were directed towards him. "Then Frank Reilly said what did you do Charlie forget your keys and open your door the hard way. pg 317 par. 1." They would take advantage of him, " Joe Carp said I should show the girls how I mop the toilet in the factory." pg. 319 par.1. Through all of that, Charlie still maintained a positive attitude and continued to deem them as friends even though they treated him so poorly, as a matter of fact, he didn't know what to do otherwise. …show more content…
"I don't remember how the party was over but I think I went out to buy newspaper and coffee for Joe and Frank and when I came back there was no one their." pg 319 par. 3. They had gotten Charlie drunk and left him there with no one to get home by himself. If they truly cared about Charlie would they have left him there? Things were going to change for him though and the fun-loving social Charlie was about to get thrown into