Tienes que prepararte. Metes las manos en el bolsillo, juegas con las monedas de cobre, por fin escoges treinta centavos, los aprietas con el puño y alargas el brazo para tomar firmemente el barrote de fierro del camión que nunca se detiene, saltar, abriste paso, pagar los treinta centavos, acomodarte dificilmente entre los pasajeron apretujados que viaja de pie, apoyar tu mano derecha en el pasamanos, apretar el portafolio contra el costado y colocar distraitdamente la mano izquierda sobre la bolsa trasera del pantaloon, donde guardas los billetes (Fuentes, 1965. P …show more content…
The advertisement grabs his attention because the qualifications are a line with him to do the job that is required. The next day he re-reads the same newspaper announcement, and Felipe notice that the offer has increase to do the job of translating. These new offer changes his mind, and goes in search for the job. Consuelo at this point starts to function: her magic is effective. With a higher earning Felipe is directed to Consuelos house, now in front of the Consuelo’s house, Felipe confronts two worlds, the modern world that he lives, and Consuelo’s house, old colonial