Summary Of The Documentary Babies

Words: 932
Pages: 4

Part A
Physical Growth:
Physical growth is an integral part of the development in the documentary Babies. They all seem to grow at a comparable rate however the one child that sticks out is Panijao who seems to obtain many of her skills prior to the other babies Looking at the beginning of the documentary one can see that she has already acquired gross and fine motor skills when she is grinding the powder with two rocks that are being rubbed together with her hands. This demonstrates both her gross motor skills as well as her fine motor skills have developed since she needs to be able to pick up the rock and also maintain a grasp to roll it back and forth on the second rock resting on the floor.
Cognitive growth:
The environment that Ponijao lives in is a tribal setting, where several families live and work together. At one point of the documentary Ponijaos egocentrism is evident which can be accredited to her cognitive development. When her mother is feeding her breast milk she tries to also breastfeed other older children. It is evident that Ponijao understands that this is her mother and she does not want to have her feeding any other child . She demonstrates this by yelling and pulling away from her mothers breast.
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Throughout the documentary the audience can see how comfortable she is playing and touching other children. For example when she is on her belly laying on top of another child playing with his stomach by kissing and touching. This shows that she is comfortable interacting with other children even if they are a little older.