Summary Of The Film 'V For Vend'

Words: 1545
Pages: 7

Ranika Blakeney
SPCM 425
Professor Delaurier
April 13, 2018
Exam #2
1. In the textbook, what does Weiner mean when he says that the cybernetic tradition sees communication as information processing?
Cybernetic tradition refers to a tradition of complex systems where the interacting components impact one another. In the textbook, this particular sense of cybernetics was enlightened by MIT scientist and mathematician Norbert Weiner in the late 1940s. It underlines that communication is not linear however, it is instead a recurring process with response loops. The cybernetic tradition branch, illustrates to us how parts of the system in regards to the communication process are mutually dependent on how the response loops uphold stability and construct
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In other words, people equal information processing systems. Further, the use of control of information processing stresses on messages that produce effective processing. At this point, the message is the object and the individual is the subject. Weiner emphasized that information is power; it fuels the process and the feedback that is received requires interaction, adjustment on what you do based on your feedback, in addition to pulling you out of automatic …show more content…
Ideology is defined as a set of principles that affects our viewpoint on the world around us. The movie is divided with a class structure that brings to mind the dominant class in regards to the capitalist government and the ordinary individuals. Additionally, I do have confidence that features of the movie does transpire today. For example, within the film the government was tape-recording and listening to every single discussion around the town. Listening to try and figure out and see if any person is in contradiction of the government, or even violating one of the numerous laws. In today’s society, The Patriot Act very well comes into play. Though the Patriot Act’s objective is to guarantee security for the American public, it is very easy to misunderstand it. To clarify, the government viewing individual’s emails, telephone calls, even what people are searching up in the library just to get a tipoff of an extremist attacks. Nonetheless, spying on the citizens in addition to not permitting the general public the right to true privacy is absurd. However, a majority of society knows about it but still do nothing for a change. Another example within the film brings me to a scene at the end where a policeman shoots at V, then again he is still alive and breathing. The officer questions him in a surprise on why he does not die and V states “I am an ideology and ideologies