Summary: Should Creationism Be Taught In Schools

Words: 1893
Pages: 8

Dickens 1
Maggie Dickens
English 10
5 November 2015
Should Creationism Be Taught in School like Evolution?
Thesis: Creationism should be taught in school like evolution.
I. Information about creationism.
A. God created men.
B. Not scientifically proven.
C. Evolution/ creationism not proven it still makes better since.
II. Why teach creationism?
A. School educators want the students to grow, teach more than one theory.
B. More should know about creationism.
C. Schools may want to know more about creationism rather than evolution.
III. School boards make too many regulations on what is taught to students.
A. Not allowed to teach about any religion.
B. Scared that it will offend parents/students.
C. Makes the learning experience poor.
IV. Some may believe in evolution.
A. Feel like science is the only way to go.
B. Feel like science is more factual than religion.
C. Only a theory.
V. Creationism should be taught in schools as well.
A. Both are theory.
B. Both have reasonable data.
C. One is no powerful than the other.

Dickens 2 Scientists have fought over the beliefs of evolution and creationism. Which one should be believed in and why the other one should not. Public schools only teach about evolution. Students never
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Yes, creationism should be taught in school like evolution for many of reasons. One being both creationism and evolution are theories. There has never been factual evidence saying that one is an actual fact. Many people have different opinions, but when looking at it this way it makes since to teach both. If teachers are allowed to teach about evolution, creationism should not be banned for teachers to teach. Evolution is also a type of religious belief, the people have to believe in this and have faith that it works. Therefore, creationism has just as much right to be taught in schools because evolution has not been scientifically proven just like creationism (Morris par.