Summary: The Building Regulations

Words: 760
Pages: 4

The purpose of building control during the construction of all buildings, including the new industrial unit is to ensure that the requirement of the building regulations is met. A building control authority such as the local authority or an approved inspector will be appointed at or before design stage and will continue to control during the building work that is subject to the Building Regulations. The Building Regulations requires you to comply with the minimum performance standard for the design and construction of the new building.
Building Regulations Approved Documents are deemed to satisfy publications supporting the Building Regulations, prepared by the Department for Communities and Local Governments. The Approved Documents (ADs) have been compiled to give practical guidance to enable compliance with the performance standards set out in the various regulations. The Approved Documents may be downloaded from the Planning Portal:
The main
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(a) Safely, and
. (b) Without causing such deflection or deformation of 
any part of the building, or such movement of the ground, as will impair the stability of any part of another building.
Source: Building Construction Handbook 9th Edition 2008 by Roy Chudley & Roger Greeno page 66, 12th September 2014.
Another example of when building control will be involved in the construction of the new industrial unit is at design stage, however, they will not involved in the actual design of any build. They may provide guidance on how to reduce carbon the footprint and help reduce energy consumption along with advice on collecting and re-using rain water or using natural heat and light sources, they will also provide advice on environmental and sustainability interests.
Building control will also provide indicative advice in order to ensure that all building materials comply with fire regulations and that the fabric of the building is suitably constructed to enable escape in the event of a