Summary: The Case Against Standardized Testing

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Pages: 5

Instead of doing so much focusing and spending so much time on these test, we could be spending more time doing hands on projects and hands on learning with students. In the Case against Standardized Testing article a teacher talks about how they were doing really wonderful projects with the students and how the students were fluent readers and writers, but then they had to stop doing what they were doing with the students and instead start preparing them for a test. (Mullholland, Quinn. "The Case against Standardized Testing - Harvard Political Review." Harvard Political Review. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.) This is just another example of how standardized testing is taking up too much learning time in school. We should be preparing our children for life outside of school and the workforce, but instead experts think it’s important to measure a student’s knowledge by making them take a test. …show more content…
This is a total of roughly 15 percent of their instructional time. (Mullholland, Quinn. "The Case against Standardized Testing - Harvard Political Review." Harvard Political Review. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.) That is a lot of time for kids to be spending testing. Like I stated before we need to find a way for students to get time to be hands on and learn stuff that is going to prepare them for the real world. By that I mean there job that they will one day get, or college. When they get to College some students may not be ready for college classes because at their high schools they were so busy preparing for a test that only focused on two subjects. This is not preparing students for the next level and we are almost setting them up for