Summary: The Epidemic Of Obesity

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Pages: 6

It is not surprising that many Americans have put on more than a few pounds in the last few decades. As a result, the rate of obesity has been rising at a frightening pace. Experts have been working to determine the cause of this nationwide epidemic and have discovered several contributing factors are to blame. Throughout the nation, fast food companies have become ubiquitous to the current generation. There promise of cheap, fast, and easily accessible food lures customers in while also ensuring they have a high caloric intake. This along with the huge portions that have become so generic have helped create this epidemic. Likewise, the large amounts of advertisements for these businesses only increase their popularity while hiding the reality …show more content…
In fact, it has become ordinary for people to see these advertisements everywhere, from local signs to the internet. Fast food companies signs and slogans have become an everyday part of life that any person could easily identify. Many people do not believe advertisements have such a huge impact on young adults. However, advertisements can greatly affect the product preferences of young individuals. In fact, Dr. Gortmaker and his co-authors wrote in one report that “Marketing of foods and beverages is associated with increasing obesity rates and is especially effective among children” (20). This is due to the fact that advertising causes individuals to crave more of the food that is being advertised. This is unfortunate as this food is often extremely unhealthy. Furthermore, this is a nationwide problem because as companies are feasting on the profits these customers bring, the nations healthcare costs are going up exponentially. This occurs as a result of the increase in diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and bad cholesterol. These illnesses are often directly caused by obesity. With the rate of health care and obesity rising so quickly, it is time to figure out a solution. The solution is clear, advertisements for fast food companies should be banned in order to curb the amount of influence they have on consumers, especially young ones. A ban …show more content…
In order to help young people make informed decisions an education program should be created as a part of the school system. Likewise, this program should ensure students are aware of proper nutrition as well as how many calories they should intake to match the amount of exercise they do. Likewise, taxes on unhealthy food will make nutritional food cheaper and therefore more easily accessible to those with low incomes. The banning of advertisements will also help make unhealthy food less desirable, which will increase the desirability for nutritional food. Likewise, smaller portions at fast food companies will help limit young people's calorie intake. While still giving them the chance to enjoy an occasional treat at the same time. In addition to this, the School Lunch Program should be revitalized into creating healthier and tastier lunches for students. This will help students understand that healthy food can be even better that unhealthy food. All of these solutions combined can help create a healthier nation with a lowered rate of