Summary: The Skeletomuscular System

Words: 534
Pages: 3

The skeletomuscular system allows us to move through the environment using different modes including walking, running, eating, typing on a computer, and even driving a car. But sometimes accidents happen, like a slip on the ice resulting in a broken wrist, or a long run leading to achy joints.

Respond to the two topics below for this unit’s Discussion.

Many of us know someone who has broken (or fractured) a bone, whether it is a wrist, ankle, or hip.
What are the different types of bone fractures?

Simple fractures - Are fractures that are broken, yet remain within the body instead of penetrating outside the skin.

Compound fractures - Compound fractures are the exact opposite of simple fractures. Compound fractures penetrate outside the skin opposing itself and other layers of the skin.

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Humans bone replacement involve the process of osteroclasts and osteoblasts. The process of osteoclasts breaks down bone and the process of osteoblasts make new bone (Mayo Clinic, 2016).

What are the different ways a doctor may treat a fractured bone?

Using cast immobilization is the most common

Have you or someone you know had a fracture? How was it treated? What was the outcome?

I had not had a fracture in any of my human bones, so I am not sure how the outcome would be if I had an fractured any one of my bones.

John is training for a marathon and recently he has been experiencing knee pain. He subsequently went to the doctor for a diagnosis.

What are the possible diagnoses for his knee pain?

Possibly an ACL injury, an fracture in the kneecap, which could be broken. Torn meniscus which is cartilage between the shinbone and thighbone can be torn. Over an 100 different types of arthritis that could possibly give off knee pain.

What is the structure and function of the synovial joint of the