In doing so, a level of personal interaction is achieved between the nurse and Betty. When the nurse asked Betty how long she was married, the nurse was demonstrating reflection. Reflection is "Directing back to patient’s ideas, feelings, questions or content" (Perry et al., 2018) It's therapeutic value "Validates your understanding of what the patient is saying and signifies empathy, interest and respect for the patient." (Perry et al., 2018) This serves to further the personal interaction started through broad …show more content…
Silence is described as "Using silence or nonverbal communication for a therapeutic reason"(Perry et al., 2018) Its therapeutic value "Allows patient time to think and gain insights, slows the pace of interactions, and encourages the patient to initiate conversation while conveying your support, understanding and acceptance." (Perry et al., 2018) Listening was used throughout the video by both the nurse and Betty. Listening is described as "An active process receiving information and examining one’s reaction to messages received."(Perry et al., 2018) It’s therapeutic value "Nonverbally communicates your interest and acceptance to a patient."(Perry et al., 2018) The nurse used touch when she said, "It must have been hard to watch someone you love go through that." The use of touch is described as “an important element of communication that conveys many messages, such as affection, emotional support, encouragement, tenderness, and personal attention” (Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall,