Super Life Role Analysis

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Pages: 6

Super’s Life Roles and Values
Current Stage/Roles I believe that based on Super’s developmental stages and tasks, the stage that best fits where I am in my life right now is the stage of exploration. In the textbook, the stage of exploration is characterized by usually happening between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. It is important to note that a person’s age is less important for Super’s stages because a person can recycle through the various stages at different periods in their development. I believe that I am still currently in the stage of exploration because even though I have narrowed my career path considerably, to clinical mental health counseling, the exact direction I will take this career and education is not set in stone or finalized. The roles that have the most priority in my life right now are being a child, student, and citizen. As reflected in Super’s life-career rainbow, I believe that the role of a child is still a priority to me because my relationship with my parents is still very
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As I mentioned previously until my parents pass away I will always hold my relationship with my parents as a priority. I also think that I will still hold the role as a student as a priority but in a different way. Even though I will no longer be learning new information in a structured academic environment, with my career path in counseling I will always be striving for best practice and making sure that I am continuing my education and learning new things every day. I will also be in the role of a worker and more of my time will be prioritized and spent within my work environment. Lastly, I still hope to maintain my role as a citizen and continue to volunteer when I can in both my community and my church. In the future, I hope that I will be able to find a way to successfully balance all of my roles and manage my time