Essay about Supply Chain Analytics

Submitted By swatcat84
Words: 842
Pages: 4

Course Number: Course Name

Professor Name:
Office address:

Office phone number:
E-mail address:
Office Hours:

Course Web Address:

Paragraph description of course objectives and requirements
Taken after course number and name
Cross-listed with.

Learning Goals
After taking this course, the student will be able to:


The course will employ lectures, class discussion, in-class individual and team assignments, and individual and team homework and projects. Students will make one team presentation during the class. Students will prepare X individual presentations for class, each covering a blah, blah, blah. In the final project, students apply blah, blah, blah. In addition to the written assignment, each student will present highlights of their project to the class.

Required Text(s)

1. XXX, By John Doe, Prentice Hall - ISBN - XXXXXXX

Required Readings
Readings will be assigned for each week. These will be found on the course website. Assignments
The course will emphasize XYZ Your first and most important assignment is to XYZ.

1. Class Participation - To enhance the learning experience, all students are expected to participate in class discussion board by responding to the posting by the professor and XX postings by other students. All postings must be posted by XX each week.
2. Homework – Homework must be completed by the required date and submitted via XX to the professor in (Word format, via the assignment tool, etc.).
3. Quizzes – Quizzes will be given XX and graded and returned within XX hours of the due date.
4. Team presentation - Each student team will choose a case study (reserve choice with instructor) and then prepare Power Point slides to present an abbreviated team case Choose what you present carefully to be both interesting and to fit into the time constraint.
5. Final Project – Blah, Blah, Blah
6. Other – Blah, Blah, Blah

The assignments and their weights are as shown below: 1. Class Participation xx%
2. Homework xx%
3. Quizzes xx%
4. Team presentation xx%
5. Final Project xx%
6. Other xx%
TOTAL 100%

Please note that assignments in this class may be submitted to, a web-based anti-plagiarism system, for an evaluation of their originality.
Course Schedule (Sample)

Assignment Due
Orientation Week
Overall structure of course including description of three types of assignments:
1) individual cases to illustrate elements of the analysis process, team case, methods research, final take-home exam analysis based on a case study
2) Review important elements from MIS750 – SAMA, AS-IS
Introduction of Ansoff & Porter
Students should have read and researched Ansoff and Porter methods
H. Igor Ansoff, Corporate Strategy, McGraw Hill, 1965, Michael E. Porter, “How Competitive Factors Shape Strategy,” HBR, Jul/Aug 1997 and,,
Ansoff and Porter Exercise
Read Paybox case. Written Assignment due: Power Point Presentation with detailed notes showing Ansoff and Porter applied to : Paybox and your own company. Slides are due via email on Sunday at noon.
Introduce Super SWOT
Students should have read and researched SWOT
Super SWOT Exercise
Read Golden Tulip case. Written assignment due: Power Point Presentation with detailed notes showing Super SWOT for Golden Tulip. Slides are due via email on Sunday at noon.
Students will read USAA and be prepared for discussion to illustrate already studied elements briefly.
We will use USAA to introduce the concept of the methods and walk through what you