Keynes, a very popular economist, believed that the cycle of business should allow for government intervention. He believed the government should have spent more money to try and affect demand rates. Keynes thought that aggregate demand could be taken care of if the government policy could stimulate money spent on investments, money spent throughout the government, exports, and the leakages. The spending coming from the government was rated top priority to him and he hoped that the government would have done such a thing. During this, he believed that the economy would thrive to its full potential even during the time of temporary economic decline. Whenever excessive demand occurs, inflation occurs, which can lead to the aggregate demand being reduced. Whenever a recession occurs, aggregate demand can be increased. This is a scenario that has been proven during the times of: October 1987 when the stock market began falling, and after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC. The stock market dropped much quicker than it did during the year of 1929, but the affect on the economic growth was little to none due to Keynes theory. I believe that this policy is not so beneficial because of the increase in tax. Even though it allows more room for programs and increased wages, and it stimulates demand, it didn't seem like the smartest out of these