To start this report I would like first to give a brief definition of what the HR management is. As long as companies reorganize to gain competitive edge, human resources plays an important role in helping companies deal with a fast-changing environment and the high request of highly qualified employees. In order to survive a downturn ‘building a successful business without breaking the bank’ it is important to wonder about what would be helpful to your business. After an attentive reflection on what ideas and strategies could help supporting the retention of the HR function within the organization and thinking about my own work experience I arrived to a conclusion that will be showed step by step in the rest of this report.
As we all know, Human Resources is not dealing just with recruitment and hiring of new employees but also orientation and training of current employees ,screening, employee benefits, and retention. Research conducted by The Conference Board has found some key activities related to people that human resources completes to add value to a company:
1. Effectively managing and utilizing the potential of every member of the personnel ( asking them to do tasks that are new and different for them in order to find new sources of enthusiasm on their faces) ;
2. Increasing the creativity, flexibility and the innovation of the organization to tackle the competitiveness of the market ( e.g. low cost marketing strategies such as giving little gadgets to the costumers, discounts, asking them for reviews, sharing posts on their Facebook fan pages, etc…) ;
3. Managing the implementation and integration of technology through optimized staffing , training and communication with the staff ( asking to start an hour earlier during the PM shift to the employees in order to have at least an hour of training; using better cataloguing systems in order to have a better management of the DATA of the costumers and personnel ) ;
4. Applying new approaches to work process design , succession planning , career development and inter-organizational mobility ( different design and policies that could a new incentive for the staff but also a new attraction for the costumers that will be attracted by the new style) ;
5. Trying performance appraisal and compensation to competencies ( e.g. little prizes to the employees if they reach some daily/weekly/monthly targets) ;
6. Developing competencies that enhance individual and organizational performance ( e.g. pushing some members of the staff who have particular potentials to enhance individual and organizational tasks in order to use develop new competencies) .
After the attentive presentation of the results of the above mentioned research made by The Conference Board I am now going to choose three of these activities that I consider strategically important in the work of an HR in order to survive even in the hardest moments of the organisation . The activities of an HR that I consider more evaluable in certain working contexts are basically :
1. ‘ Managing and utilizing the potential of every member of the personnel.’ What do I mean saying it? A valid example can be the case of Hatters Hostel ,the managers of this lovely place ,periodically ask to their employees to try new tasks in order to let them gain more experience but first of all, it will be a good way to see them more motivated and without the need of hiring new members of the staff and adding extra costs to the economic balance of the organisation (e.g. My main task was the organization of their events but I used to work at the reception and at the bar too – no extra costs for the employers and more enthusiasm for me )
2. ‘ Increasing the creativity, flexibility and the innovation of the organization to tackle the competitiveness of the market’ ( e.g. low cost marketing strategies such as giving little gadgets to the costumers, making them little forfeit and